Setting Up DIM Processes
A few environment variables can be used to configure DIM processes:
Some DIM functions can also be used to dynamically Set Up DIM Processes:
These functions can be used to independently specify which DNS to use for Servers and Clients even if both parts are running in the same process (but need to use different DNSs).
Note: The "obsolescent" functions dim_set_dns_node(), dim_set_dns_port(), etc. specify the same DNS for a complete process (so for both client and server part if running in the same process).
Using DIM across different Networks
In a node with two Ethernet interfaces (or in general visible on two networks):
Note: Although the DNS may respond to all servers and clients on both networks, of course clients on one network will not be able to connect to servers which have a single interface on a different network.
A program: DimBridge is available, as an example, to transfer
DIM services and commands from one DNS to another. (Supposing that the
two DNSs are on different networks). Please note that such a Bridge
should be used with care as it could create a bottleneck, since all
services and commands have to be "tunneled" via it.
Usage: DimBridge [from_node] to_node services
from_node - by default DIM_DNS_NODE
to_node - the complete node name of
the new DNS
services - the list of service names
(wildcards allowed)
The user can also create its own client/server program that is a client on one interface and a server on the other one, using the same DNS, but then the user has to guarantee that the Service names published by the Server part are different from the ones already available. (DIM does not allow multiple services with the same name using the same DNS).
Port Numbers used by DIM
When setting up (private) networks and gateways you may need to know the port numbers used by DIM for example to configure Firewalls.